Akron/Canton Chapter

100 Who Care

We are community-minded people that periodically gather to learn about local charities, write checks for $100 and together, donate a substantial sum to a local not-for-profit organization.

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$10,000 Impact

100 individuals combine $100 each to donate $10,000 to a local charity each time we meet. Through the power of numbers and collective giving, we make an immediate impact on our local community – and have fun doing it!

How It Works

The goal is for one hundred community members to meet three times per year to learn about local non-profits and make a real impact in the Akron/Canton area.

During each meeting, projects for three charities will be pitched to the group. Each member will cast one vote and the winning charity will be gifted our collective donation.

By each committing $100 to the chosen cause, as a group, we can make a $10,000 impact each time we meet.  We donate every single dollar to that nonprofit. 

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Get Involved

Any individual or business can become a member at any time by simply filling out our membership form and pledge agreement that puts you on our list. There is no fee to join the group. Members can also bring a guest to any meeting to sign up at any time.

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